Oct 19, 2014

A full Saturday

This last Saturday may have been our last one together before our little girl is born, so it was really nice that Kelly and I had such a full day together. We started off with a 30-45 minute walk around the neighborhood. Now, we don't do this all the time, but it is a really great way to start off the day with conversation and getting our bodies awake.

We got ready and went to Walmart and got the oil changed on my old car and came back home and ate lunch. We had a nice talk with my parents over Facetime. Somehow Kelly snuck a nap in and then we headed out for a drive. We ended up going to Prairie Grove and then headed back towards Fayetteville to go to a craft show at the Fair Grounds.We bought some rhubarb jam, which I couldn't pass up. It was something I had occasionally growing up, so it was nice to get a taste of my childhood again. (I had it on my GF waffles on Sunday morning and can confirm it was delicious.) We then made a trip to the Fayetteville Funky Yard Sale before heading over to McAlister's Deli for dinner.

To finish out the night, we went and got a decaf coffee to share at the coffee shop in Barnes & Noble. I got to read some of my book while Kelly browsed around.

All in all it was a great date day. We both realize once our baby girl is here our whole world and schedule will change. So we are trying to capture and enjoy the moments we have together as a couple before we expand into a trio.

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